React Conf 2021: Keynote Takeaways

2 min readMar 30, 2022


Communication between designers and developers

  • Speaking different languages: UX lost in translation. React comes to the rescue! It’s not about the technology. It’s about what technology enables.
  • North Star: to make it easier to build great UX


  • React data over the network as quickly as props or state. Expands what the component can be
  • In 16–17: Suspense only can be used on the client. useEffect is not adequate for data fetching. Instead, we use the 3rd party library, i.e., Apollo client.
  • Getting the items and showing the loading state don’t need to exist together. Setting the loading data makes the overhead.
  • Let’s separate those two things. There’s no loading boolean anymore! It doesn’t matter if the data fetching is synchronous or asynchronous.
  • What about the loading state? Use <Suspense /> from the nearest parent component. We think the right place for the loading state is inside the JSX.

Some exciting technological implications

  • Use suspense for controlling any types of asynchronous data.
  • 16–17: Loading JS bundles for code splitting
  • 18: Now it works on the server. Streaming server rendering: send the fallback skeleton first from the server.
  • 18: Data fetching via compatible libraries like Relay
  • But a lot of people don’t use Relay 😅 Next step: General support for data fetching. I hope to make this widely available in the ecosystem.

18 Features

Upgrade 18 will be the first step toward exciting features

  • Sever components: Run only on the server. Directly access server-side data sources. Zero bundle size impact. Hydrogen and Next.js rely on the server components.
  • Concurrent rendering: Inspired by the problem we found from React Native
  • React is for every platform, not only for the web. React is a paradigm for building UI. It’s more than a library.
  • React 18 in React Native!
  • React Vision: Seamlessly connect between the client and the server. You don’t have to choose which technology to use on each side.




Written by Young

Front-end Engineer 👩‍💻

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